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Image of two hands holding a heart with bible verses

"Give and it shall be given unto you..." Lk 6:38

"Honor the Lord with all your possessions... so that your barns maybe be filled with plenty..." Prov 3:9-10

"... for God loves a cheerful giver" 2 Cor 9:7

Serve the Church
Serve the Community
Serve the Generations

At GraceLife Church we believe that generosity should be a reflection of the believer's life. We want our finances to back our words and our beliefs. Everything we give towards and do at GraceLife Church is focused on serving the global church and the mission to preach the finished work of Christ; serving our local community of Lincoln, California through events and meeting community needs; and to serve future generations through protecting them, providing for them, inspiring them, and giving them the hope of the Jesus Christ.

Jesus Is Our Message
People Are Our Heart

William Jessup University Logo

 William Jessup University is a college that is local to our area. Donations help William Jessup provide quality Christian higher education. Our support also helps provide scholarships to those looking to attend.

Mutual Faith Ministries Logo

Mutual Faith Ministries is an organization that is bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ to corners of the earth and even into the heart of downtown Beirut, Lebanon, where they have one of their largest missions centers located. 

International Justice Ministry Logo

This is an organization that rescues women and children from sex trafficking rings, and then prosecutes the perpetrators responsible for trafficking them.

Rhema Bible Training Center Logo

This bible college is located in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma and is the alma matter of a number of our Pastor Staff. This college continues to equip aspiring ministers for the work for which God has called them.

City of Lincoln California Logo and Seal

We invest and pour into our community through events put on by the church. Whether VBS programs, Fall Festivals, Spring Festivals, and more. We want to serve the community through our generosity

A small hand placed inside a large hand

Wendy Kelly is a missionary in Tanzania Africa who runs an orphanage for abandoned children. The money helps provide these children a second chance at life through education and life skills.

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